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The effects of sexual abuse can be devastating on victims, both emotionally and physically. A lot has changed in regards to how this sort violence against women is viewed over recent decades as society continues its long journey toward equality for all individuals no matter their gender identity or sexuality.
Sexual harassment law for employers in Greece? What does the law actually say?
The Greek Law 4808/2021 law ratified the ILO Convention No. 190 concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the workplace. Under this law, new protective rights for employees and compliance obligations for employers are introduced.
I am not a victim of Sexual Harassment. Why should I care?
The safer our workplaces, teams and businesses are for employees, the more productive, richer and happier we are as a society.
Domestic violence can take many forms, from physical to sexual. It is a problem that affects all walks of life and possesses no boundaries; it occurs between partners in relationships as well former spouses or lovers regardless if they are children too!
How do I understand if I or someone close to me is affected?
Recognizing violence in a partnership is not easy - neither for those affected nor for outsiders. Because it is not always physical. While intimate partner violence - a term interchangeably used for domestic violence - often combines many forms of violence mostly starts with psychological abuse. It is therefore all the more important that we all know the signs of psychological violence.
A boss, a teacher or even an employee on the same level as you—makes you feel uncomfortable in your workplace. The boundaries between what's acceptable and what isn't are blurry, and if you don't know where that line is, you may not even realize something is wrong.
Types of Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Sexual harassment is anywhere – at work, at school, on the street, etc. – is not simply about sex. It is about one persone (the harasser) being hostile toward another person (the victim) by abusing power over the victim directed to the victim’s gender.
Emotional abuse is a kind of psychological trauma that can happen when someone subjecting or exposing another person to unpredictable and volatile behavior results in anxiety, chronic depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This form often occurs during situations where there's an imbalance between abuser/ victims with power dynamics like bullying.
Why is it so difficult for victims to leave an abusive relationship?
As outsiders, relatives and friends these situations are quite frustrating. Most probably you experience a mix of feelings of being scared for your friend/relative, but also being shocked about their powerlessness and perhaps even angry that they are lying to you. Read on to understand the context of what the person you care about is finding themselves in.

Different types of Violence
One in three women will experience sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. One in two women has experienced sexual harassment. One in twenty women has been raped and one in 5 women has been stalked. In Greece, 12 women have lost their lives through the hands of their partners in 2021. Chances are high that you are one of these women, or at least you know them. Read on to learn more about how violence works, why we are all affected by gender-based violence and what we can do to protect us and others.

Understanding Workplace Violence
A friend of yours is constantly being harassed by a colleague at work? Or was touched indecently by a family member and does not know what to do? Are you afraid your friend lives in an abusive relationship but does not open up or leave? Read the do's and don'ts in our guide for witnesses or sign them up for a meeting with our expert counsellors here.